HTML Source inspector

The HTML Source inspector displays the HTML source code for the current document. Tags are color coded to preference settings. See HTML Colors preferences. As you add or change content in the Document window, Dreamweaver immediately displays the changes in the HTML Source inspector. This makes the HTML Source inspector a useful tool for learning HTML if you don't already know it, or for reminding yourself of proper syntax or values for specific tags or attributes.

Changes you make in the HTML Source inspector appear in the Document window only when you click away from the HTML Source inspector. Dreamweaver never rewrites HTML that you type directly in the HTML Source inspector; if you enter invalid HTML here, Dreamweaver highlights the tags as invalid when you click in the Document window.

To open the HTML Source inspector, do one of the following:

Choose Window > HTML Source.
Click the HTML Source inspector icon in the Launcher or in the Mini-Launcher (in the lower right corner of the Document window).
Press F10.

In the HTML Source inspector, you can turn line wrap on or off by selecting or deselecting the Wrap option. (Note that turning on line wrap does not insert line breaks into the HTML code; it simply displays the lines as wrapped for ease of viewing.) You can also choose whether or not to display line numbers by selecting or deselecting the Line Numbers option.

To launch an external HTML editor, click the External Editor button. If you haven't chosen an external HTML editor, you must first choose Edit > Preferences, choose the External Editors category, and pick an external editor. For more information, see Using external HTML editors.

To toggle between the Document window and the HTML Source inspector:

Press Control+Tab (Windows and Macintosh).